Usually this issue happens when you have a virtual machine with minimal specs.then, you need to extend some partitions whichever partition type primary, logical ,or LVM partition. This article explains…
Organizations prefer to use non-default ports to increase their security. consequently, these changes if not done correctly, it will break the connectivity between the Oracle WebLogic domain’s components and the…
Operating system crashes are one of the issues that might face you especially if your server is using windows. This article explains how backup oracle database from windows safe mode.…
When I use vscode remote explorer to connect to remote servers to read long configuration files. or investigate/search for configuration in a system, software, or solution that has no information…
it provides what DBA and Linux admin needs to know about HPUX like commands, syntax, and explanations to achieve their daily tasks.
Explain oracle archivelog importance and how to enable archivelog mode and how to disable it.
Explain the HPUX “unrecognized file system” error message when Admin mounts a DVD server. then, provide two solutions.
After knowing how to navigate the HPUX terminal In this article, we will explain how HPUX hardware detection works and tools used to manage HPUX devices. For example how to…
Implementing a reverse proxy servers usually for many reasons. For example, enable load-balancing, high availability, improved performance, and enhanced security. So, This article explains the what is it, how it…
While Installing Oracle client 12c or database on Windows 2008 server 64bit. The Oracle Universal might show this famous error message as it is related to OS configuration. So, The…