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HPUX Terminal navigation Keys

by mn.sobieh

HPUX system might appear challenging at first glance, however, after reading this article you will find it more familiar than you think. This article will show how to use keys to navigate into the HPUX terminal and commands similar to what you know in Linux.

“Linux is a UNIX like Operating system” 

The trick is to know how to begin and respect ^_^ the differences between both Operating Systems. As for a Linux Administrator who comes from a friendly environment GUI (like KDE or Gnome) with backgrounds, sound, and even some games ^_^ . Not to mention, a CLI -bash- that has auto-complete for commands, file paths even command parameters. Some Linux distributions even have auto-suggestion if you misspelled command

Now, this dude will work in a strange environment in which the arrow keys refuse to do what they normally do :O

After a lot of suffering, You will find that it’s really similar to Linux more than you expect 😀


  • Navigation Keys in HPUX shell.
  • Typing and editing commands. 
  • HPUX commands Similar to Linux.

Navigation Keys in HPUX shell

Working with Shell in HPUX is similar to working in the VI editor. It has two modes  Command mode &
Insert mode. We press ESC and [Keys] to switch between modes

  • Navigation Keys (command mode).

are the old keys ( H , J , K , L )




hMove the cursor to the left one character.
lMove the cursor to the right one character.
jMove the cursor down one line.
kMove the cursor up one line. (Show the last command)
^Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
$Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

Typing and editing commands.

Similarly, as the navigation keys mentioned above. applying the following sequence of keys inside VIM or in HPUX Terminal will facilitate your operation.

Press ESC then press one of the following [Keys] will execute the described functionality.

iInserts text to the left of the cursor. (enable you to type and execute commands)
aBegins inserting after the character (append) on which the cursor is positioned.
rReplace the character under the cursor with the next character you type.
xDelete character(s) to the right of the cursor, starting with the one beneath it.
XDelete character(s) to the left of the cursor, starting with the one beneath it.

HPUX commands Similar to Linux.   

The following list will show commands similar to Linux. however, you might find it lacking some parameters you use.

File manipulationls, rm, cd, mkdir
Text stream and editingcat, tail, head, vi
Permissionschown, chmod
Process, memoryUptime, ps, top, top

Wrap Up

This introduction is necessary to make the Linux administrator familiar with the HPUX commands and environment especially using navigation keys. Next, we will explain more in-depth objectives. for example software, device management, system info, and other commands.

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1 comment

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